Pack 217 Guidebook



Welcome to Pack 217. This Guide Book was put together to let you know a little about our Pack.  Pack 217 is chartered by Westmont Hilltop Elementary School PTO.  The school is located at 675 Goucher St., Johnstown, PA. Pack 217 belongs to District 6 (Keystone District) of the Laurel Highlands Council.

Membership in the Pack is open to all boys regardless of where he lives or what his church affiliation is. The requirements for any boy to join Cub Scouts are that he be seven (7) years old or registered in first grade and that an official BSA registration form be completed and signed by a parent or guardian.  Parents are also asked to attend a Pack meeting and sign the attached form that states that these guidelines have been read and understood.

Registration and Dues

New boys to the Pack are required to complete an Official BSA Registration Form. All Scouts are required to complete the attached Guide Book acknowledgment and information sheet.

Generally dues are $6.00 a month ($3.00 to the Pack, $3.00 to the Den). This amount is subject to change by the Pack Committee. The dues cover Pack meeting materials and advancement awards. Cost for camp-outs and other activities are paid prior to those activities and are divided up among those participating.

Scout Handbooks

It is strongly recommended that each Scout have a copy of the appropriate level Handbook for their age (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos). These books can be purchased at the Scout Service Center (101 W. High St., Ebensburg, PA).  Information in the books is very useful to Scouts and parents and should be read very carefully. Boys not having books will find it almost impossible to work on advancement. Handbooks should be brought to each Den meeting

Scout Uniform

The standard uniform of Pack 217 consists of short sleeve Scout shirt (blue for Tigers, Wolves, & Bears; Webelos may wear tan and the appropriate level neckerchief and slide.  Scouts may wear jeans or blue pants with their uniform shirt – these do NOT have to be official Cub Scout pants.  The shirt will require minimum patches consisting of: American flag patch, council shoulder patch and Pack numbers. Rank patches and leadership patches are also expected to be put on the shirt. Pack numbers can be purchased from the Scoutmaster at the monthly meetings.

The above uniform is considered Class A.  An acceptable Class B uniform consists of any combination of Scout T-shirts or knit shirts.

Uniforms are expected to be worn at all Pack meetings, while traveling to and from activities and during other special functions. When uniforms are worn they will be worn in the proper manner, buttons buttoned and shirt-tails tucked in. Uniforms are expected to be kept in a clean and neat condition.

Pack Organization

The Pack is organized into the following groups of people:

1) Pack Committee - Composed of parents and other adult who set Pack policy, and support the Packs program.  Includes Committee Chairman, Charter Organizational Representative, Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, etc.

2) Adult Staff – Cubmaster, Asst. Cubmaster(s), and Den Leaders

3) Dens - Groups of 5 or more Scouts.

Pack Meetings

The Pack holds regular Pack meetings September thru May. The meetings are held on the third Thursday night of each month starting at 7:00 pm unless announced otherwise, but generally expect to stay for a hour and a half.

A normal Pack meeting consists of:

        1) Greeting & Pre-Opening
        2) Flag Patrol
        3) Song
        4) Skit
        5) Demonstration
        6) Announcements
        7) Advancements
        8) Closing

The meeting is run by various boys in the Pack under the leadership of their Den Leaders

At each Pack Meeting, Pack 217 collects food items for the St. Clement’s Food Pantry.  During the month of November, the food collection is replaced by Toys for Tots.  All families are asked to make donations to these collections as we teach our Scouts to help those that are less fortunate then themselves.

The Den Method

Pack 217 operates under the Den Method of Scouting.  Each Den consists of 5 or more Scouts of the same age/grade level that meet weekly. 

The Den Leader’s primary responsibility is to plan and execute Den Meetings, and to represent and make known the wishes of the Den at the Pack Committee Meeting. The Den Leader is also responsible for relaying information from the Pack Committee to the Den, and ensuring the conduct of Den members. Den members participate in all activities as a team. Part of learning to lead is by first learning to follow. It is important to understand that the boys run the Pack. The adult leaders provide guidance. The Den is the Key and the Den Leader is the Key Man.

Advancement (From Bobcat to Arrow of Light)

Advancement from Bobcat to Webelos and Arrow of Light (the highest advancement in Cub Scouting) is an important part of the Scouting experience and is completely explained in the various level Handbooks. Pack 217 has adult leaders to help and advise the boys on advancement.  Some advancements will be done as the larger Pack.  Many advancements will be done in the Den meetings.  Families will need to complete some advancements outside of Scouting.

Opportunities for completing advancement requirements will be provided to the Scouts; it is the Scouts’ responsibility to take advantage of those opportunities.

Every effort will be made to present Scouts with a merit badge or rank patch within a month of the requirements being completed.  All advancements are presented at the monthly Pack Meetings. 

The whole family is encouraged to attend even if a Scout has not earned any special recognition because the meetings are also used to discuss the Pack’s accomplishments and future activities.


Scouting activities are meant to be learning experiences in an atmosphere that is fun for everyone involved.

The BSA and Pack 217 have rules that must be followed in order for everyone to enjoy themselves. The rules of Scouting can be found in the various Handbooks. Pack specific rules are listed in Attachment 1 of this handbook.

The “Spirit of Scouting” dictates high expectations for the behavior of Pack members.  Self-control and self-discipline are attributes expected from all Scouts in Pack 217.  In order to ensure the health and safety of Pack members and the effective operation of the Pack, disciplinary actions may be necessary.  Discipline and control must be treated as an individual matter, realizing that basic discipline is preventative in nature rather than regulatory or restrictive. Scouts will receive positive reinforcement when exhibiting appropriate behavior. Pack adult leaders are ultimately responsible for the behavior of Pack members and therefore will be expected to enforce a fair, consistent disciplinary plan.

Disciplinary action will consists of four (4) levels. Certain conduct will result in the immediate escalation of the disciplinary level (i.e. use of drugs is an automatic Level 3 action).

Level 1- Personal Conference: Action taken for first offense of less serious rules.  Consists of a counseling session between adult leader(s) and Scout(s).

Level 2- Letter to Parents: Action taken when Level 1 actions are not successful or for breaking certain more serious rules. This consists of writing a letter to the parents with a copy going to the Pack Committee Chairman. The letter will contain the following:

     1. Description of inappropriate behavior.
     2. Description of immediate disciplinary action.
     3. Request for parents cooperation in the matter    
     4.  Notification to Scout and parents that if improper behavior continues, disciplinary action will be raised to Level 3.

Level 3- Disciplinary Hearing: Action taken when Level 1 & 2 actions have not been successful at correcting the problem of extremely serious behavioral problems.  This consists of a meeting between the adult leadership, Scout(s), parents and the Pack Committee. Disciplinary action may include such items as active probation (Scout continues to participate for a period of time), service project, reimbursement for damages, termination from Pack, etc.

Level 4- Termination: If the above actions fail to correct behavioral problems, the Pack Committee will notify the Scout(s) and parents that the Scout(s) are no longer welcome to participate in any Pack functions. This action will require the majority vote of all registered adult leaders and committee members.

Pack Activities

Most major Pack activities are planned at least two months in advance and the times and dates are published to the Pack Calendar as soon as possible.  Please keep track of these dates and help us avoid conflicts. The Pack depends on parent support to see to it that their son attends as many Pack activities as possible.

Schedule changes and additions will be communicated by Blog Postings. Detailed information about monthly activities will be handed out at Pack meetings and will also be placed on the Pack’s Blog. We encourage all parties to watch the Blog and we especially encourage all parents to ask their sons about any hand outs they may have received at the Pack meetings (most parents don’t see any papers until they pick the soggy mess out of the washing machine).

Active Participation

All members of Pack 217 are expected to participate in all phases of the Pack program. We have one of the best programs and the best Scouts and unless each person is willing to do his share, the Pack as a whole will be affected. This means regular attendance at Pack meetings, monthly activities, service projects and fund raisers.

Important planning takes place at the monthly Pack Committee Meetings and it is vital that Den Leaders attend to help with that planning.  Scouts should attend Den Meeting and activities as often as possible.  We realize that there will be times when Scouts can not attend due to illness, family problems or school functions.

Parent Support

A key element in maintaining and improving the quality of Pack 217 is by having active parent support. To be successful, Scouting must be a family activity. Parent support does not consist of driving your son to a Pack meeting and picking him up. We are not a baby sitting service.

Good parent support consists of the following:
      1)  Make sure your son attends all Pack activities and is ready for them.
     2)  Encourage your son in his Scout advancement.
     3)  Take an active interest in his Scouting activities.
     4)  Attend parent meetings, Pack Meetings and other family activities.
     5)  Join the Pack Committee. The Committee is made up of parents and
                 meets once a month to maintain Pack policy.
     6)  Support fund raiser projects. This is how we earn money for Pack
                 equipment and the Scouts can earn money for activities.

Fund Raisers

The Pack depends on various fund raising to gain operating funds for the year. Currently, Pack 217 participates in Trail’s End Popcorn sales, and Java Joe’s flavored coffee sales.

The Popcorn sale profits are split, with a percentage going to the Pack fund for operating expenses and equipment purchases.  Another percentage of the Popcorn sale goes to each participating Scout and is placed in a personal account.

The Coffee sale profits all go to the participating Scouts personal accounts.


In any organization, communication is essential. We currently have a Pack Blog that is updated several times a week during the school year.  Most information is passed out electronically via emails or automatic Blog disseminations.

The web address for Pack 217’s blog:

For short notice communications, adult leaders will contact other adult leaders. The Scoutmaster will contact the individual Den Leaders who will, in turn, contact members of their Den.


If you have any questions, call your Den Leader or any other member of Pack Committee.

If you don’t know, ask!

This guidebook was meant to be a brief summary of “need to know” items. If we have forgotten something, feel free to contact any of the adult staff.

Attachment 1 Pack Rules of Conduct

1) Each Scout is expected to know and abide by these rules. Ignorance will not be considered an excuse for breaking the rules. Common sense will prevail in all situations and interpretations of these rules.

2) Each Scout will have a phone number where their parents or a designated individual may be reached in case of an emergency or disciplinary actions are not successful.

3) A Scout may be sent home from any activity if Level 1 disciplinary actions are not successful.

4) Scouts will respect others property. Level 1.

5) Stealing will not be tolerated. Level 2.

6) No running in camp. Level 1.

7) No sheath knives, radios, televisions, or electronic devices (handheld games, iPods, iPads, etc.) at Pack or Den activities without prior approval. Items will be confiscated and given back at the end of the activity.

8) Uniforms are expected at each Pack activity. Uniforms need not be worn to outdoor activities but will be brought along in case they are needed. Leaders are expected to set the example.

9) No littering. Level 1.

10) Pack equipment will be respected. Equipment damaged or destroyed through carelessness or horseplay will be repaired or replaced by the offending individual before he is allowed to attend another Pack function. Minimum Level 2

11) No bare feet around campsites. Level 1.

12) Pack members will follow the directions of both adult leaders and assisting parents without argument.  Level 1.

13) Scouts will not play with the camp-fire. First warning Level 1, second warning  Level 2 and Scout will be sent home on a third offense.

14) No Scout will engage in any type of water sport without permission of registered adult Pack member. Scout will be sent home. Minimum: Level 2.

15) Obscene language, obscene gestures and subjects deemed inappropriate by adult leaders will not be tolerated. Level 1.

16) Malicious teasing or put-downs (hazing) will not be tolerated. Level 1.

17) Fighting will not be tolerated for any reason. All parties will be subject to Level 1 or Level 2 discipline, depending on the seriousness of the fight.

18) Scouts will not leave campsites without checking with the person in charge. The Scout will tell the person in charge exactly where he is going and exactly when he will be back.  Any Scout leaving the campsite will follow the Buddy System. Level 1 or Level 2

19) Wild animals will be left alone. Level 1.

20) Vandalism will not be tolerated. Level 2 and financial responsibility for damage.

21) Use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs is strictly prohibited by Pack youth members. Level 2 for tobacco. Level 3 for alcohol and drugs. Adults will use an area designated by the Leader in charge when using tobacco!

22) Possession of firearms or explosive devices will result in the item being confiscated and the Scout being sent home. Minimum: Level 2.

23) Scouts are subject to discipline for any behavior that is unbecoming a Cub Scout.

These rules are not meant to be all inclusive. Situations will be judged on a case by case basis.



By signing below, Parent(s) and Scout acknowledge having received, read, and discussed the Pack 217 Guidebook.  All parties signing below agree to abide by the rules laid out herein.

Parent/Guardian #1 (print)

Parent/Guardian #1 (signature)


Parent/Guardian #2 (print)


Parent/Guardian #2  (signature)

Scout (print)


Scout (signature)

Den # ___________________         Date: _______________________

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